Graaf van Egmontstraat 1
2000, Antwerp
Very nearby parking Kooldok (entrance crossing Scheldestraat and Riemstraat)
Bertrand Schwartz
Marc Heiremans
Brafa Brussels, January 2024
TEFAF Maastricht, March 2024

The gallery was founded in Ghent, Belgium in 1987, recently relocated to Antwerp after operating for twenty years in Brussels. Over the years Marc Heiremans established an international reputation as a glass and ceramics expert with a strong focus on twentieth-century Murano glass. Our new showroom also displays unique and limited artworks by contemporary artists.
Independent consultant for auction houses worldwide and curator of various museum exhibitions, he is also the author of several reference publications.
Marc Heiremans is member of the Belgian Royal Chamber of Antiques and Art Dealers (Rocad) and the Belgian Chamber of Art Experts (ArtExperts).